I did 3 months of mentor meetings in one.in my meeting we discussed my mentors teaching licence,interviewing and resumes. My mentor is licenced to teach 7-12 life science and k-12 ESOL. She plans on adding Gifted and Talent and maybe physical science. Talking to my mentor about this topic i learned something interesting. My teacher mentor went an alternative way to get certified. She went to graduate school for Biology and then got her masters im im teaching. I didnt know you could do that.
My mentor's advice about resumes was to keep it short,sweet and to the point. She recently did an interview for the new school and feels her resume made her look really good and really did her justice. She said she listed all of her training and accomplishments She has completed in the last year. We went over interview tips also, we discussed making eye contact and answering the questions the best to your ability.she compared it to having a conversation about yourself
My mentor's advice about resumes was to keep it short,sweet and to the point. She recently did an interview for the new school and feels her resume made her look really good and really did her justice. She said she listed all of her training and accomplishments She has completed in the last year. We went over interview tips also, we discussed making eye contact and answering the questions the best to your ability.she compared it to having a conversation about yourself
Sounds like you got some great advice and learned more about a career in education. There are actually multiple ways--beyond a traditional four-year degree--to become a teacher. We'll look at some of the non-traditional ways this Spring.