
Showing posts from September, 2019

First Meeting with my Mentor

A couple weeks ago i sat down and had my first  meeting with my teacher mentor. I was very excited to be able to hear her thoughts. I instantly sat down and began asking my questions that i had prepared. The answers she gave me was some surprising but yet a few was expected like when she told me sometimes her least favorite things about teaching is  challenging students. it surprised me because she said that is also her favorite part about teaching.      Although this was my first meeting with my mentor she shared some very useful information to me that regarded my future career in education She talked to me about the difference and similarities  in salary and duties between a paraprofessional and a teacher. which she had done both so she knew from experience. with that conversation i learned that being a lower grade elementary teacher would be better for me.      My mentor had a teacher goal that seemed very interesting to me, and that was...

Reflective Writing~Teacher Meeting

A couple weeks ago me and the other teacher cadets went to a teacher meeting to oversea a meeting and put in a little of our input.Walking in I instantly felt very comfortable. I loved getting to hear a little bit of what teachers talk about when they get together to meet. It was even more wonderful getting to put my input in on what i thought needed to be changed in our schools.      Being in the meeting and actually being heard really changed my point of view on what i thought some teacher's mindset was. Some teachers actually do believe the school districts and even their own teaching ways need to change and that was good to hear. When i was being questioned about topics i never knew how strongly i felt about a few things. Things i never just thought about could be a conflict in our schools.   This was a great experience and i hope to go to many more meetings and being able to voice my opinions to teachers in all different school districts. Listening to my other...